Sunday, 16 August 2015

Life's Struggles

I started writing this blog and realised it was a bit self indulgent so I deleted it again in hope that I could write something that actually got to the core of things.  I guess I was given a wake up call a week or two ago, but it's not the first time, I've had wakeup calls before but I guess I shrugged them off.  I remember when I was a young child, I thought all those bad things in life would happen to someone else and not to me or those closest to me but I was wrong, life throws us curve balls all the time and some people it seems are dealt a tougher hand than others.  I have questioned in the past why this happens but then I remember that even though you can't visibly see everyones pain it doesn't mean it's anything less than another persons.  I'd love to say everything happens for a reason but what good would that do, if you said that to someone who is in the thick of it, they'd give you the whats for and trod off in a huff.  Sometimes I think spirituality can help with the struggle to find understanding, but in saying that I think a lot of people practice it almost as a way to insure some sort of immunity, they believe if they pray hard enough and be good than things will go their way, when things go awry they curse God and cry out "Why me?"The answer could be addressed with another question,"Well, why not you?  Why anyone? If you really think about it, if life was roses all the time, would we actually learn anything at all??

There's no doubt that life can be unpredictable but when the chips are down I think it gives us time to revaluate what is really important and what makes us happy.  Although we think we may have a thousand tomorrows, it's never guaranteed.  I believe effectively what determines a great life is having none of those should've, could've and would'ves hanging around at the end and knowing that you remained true to who you are and what you wanted.

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